Yoga Classes & Yoga Physiotherapy

Connect your mind and body through breath, mindfulness and movement and experience physical & mental wellness!

Yoga Physiotherapy Services

While maintaining their own origins, Yoga and Physiotherapy share a similar goal of creating and restoring balance, strength and mobility. Yoga Physiotherapy sessions are developed following a full body assessment with a focus on any personal concerns. Any limitations or restrictions discovered can be addressed with individualized sessions of guided yoga postures, breathwork and hands on therapy as needed. This allows us to use the healing qualities of yoga to target individual health as well as injury prevention. The knowledge of a physiotherapist can also remove barriers to participation in yoga for patients with many conditions, injuries or various abilities. Treatment sessions may also be covered under extended health benefits following an initial physiotherapy assessment.

Rachel Wilson is a Registered Physiotherapist and Registered Yoga Instructor who is highly skilled in addressing each person’s unique variability in their anatomy, physiology, priorities and goals. 

Types of Yoga Offered at Flow Physio + Wellness

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Physiotherapy Yoga with Rachel Wilson MSc PT RYT may be covered through your extended health benefits if Rachel has assessed you and deemed Physiotherapy Yoga as an appropriate treatment plan.

  • In short, everyone!
    To expand, as physical health practitioners we see the value of the stability, flexibility, strength and balance that yoga provides. Yoga practice is an opportunity to learn body awareness and connect to your breathing and movement. Yoga is also a mindfulness and spiritual practice and we appreciate that our mental, emotional and spiritual wellness impact our physical body greatly. Therefore, we are strong advocates of approaching movement holistically and yoga does just that.
    We see participants with chronic pain, automimmune disease, arthritis, balance issues, low back pain, postural dysfunction, pre and postnatal women and more.

  • Physiotherapy Yoga with Rachel is accessible through Physiotherapy benefits. You may book with Rachel using the following steps:
    1. Book a Physiotherapy Initial Assessment with Rachel Wilson MSc PT RYT
    2. Discuss a treatment plan incorporating Physiotherapy Yoga
    3. Book 30-min follow up Physiotherapy sessions with Rachel

  • Please wear clothing that you feel comfortable in for movement and a water bottle. If you attend a Savasana Sunday class or a Sound Therapy & Guided Meditation, you may wish to bring a blanket and an eye mask.

    All mats, blocks, and bolsters will be provided by Flow Physio + Wellness. If you wish to bring your own, you absolutely can!

  • When you book online for your yoga, it will prompt you to enter your credit card.

    Your card will not be charged until you have attended and completed a class, at which time your card will be charged and an invoice will be emailed to you.

    If you wish to pay through etransfer, you may send it to

  • Flow Physio + Wellness uses the Jane App for online booking and billing for physiotherapy yoga.

    Other yoga teachers use our space to offer classes. You can view their schedule here:

    Dawn Downie